木质乐器的适宜湿度是40-60%,当湿度过高时,木材水分含量太高,容易膨胀变形、发霉甚至脱胶,从而导致声音质量下降,演奏手感变差。 The optimal humidity for wooden instruments is 40-60%. When the humidity is too high, the wood can absorb excessive moisture, leading to expansion, warping, mold growth, or even glue failure, which can degrade sound quality and playing feel.
1. 适用于:电吉他、木吉他、古典吉他、贝斯、尤克里里、提琴等绝大部分木质乐器。 1. Suitable for: Electric guitars, acoustic guitars, classical guitars, basses, ukuleles, violins, and most other wooden instruments.
2. 使用方法:将干燥剂和乐器一起放入乐器包装里面静置24小时左右即可。 2. Usage instructions: Place the desiccant and your instrument inside the instrument case and leave it undisturbed for about 24 hours.
3. 循环使用:使用一段时间之后,吸湿效率低时,将干燥剂置于太阳底下爆嗮或用吹风机吹干即可再次使用。 3. Reusable: After a period of use, when the desiccant’s moisture absorption efficiency decreases, simply expose it to direct sunlight or dry it with a hairdryer to reactivate it for continued use.